Yoga is an ancient practice that brings the mind and body together. Yoga therapy course incorporates breathing exercises, meditation and poses designed to encourage relaxation and reduce stress. Practising yoga is said to come with many benefits for mental and physical health.
Increases Strength
Yoga is a great addition to an exercise routine for its strength-building benefits. There are specific poses in yoga that are designed to increase strength and build muscle. According to recent research, practising yoga can be an effective way to boost strength and endurance, especially when used in combination with a regular exercise routine.
Promotes Healthy Food Habits
Mindful eating, also known as intuitive eating, is a concept that encourages being present in the moment while eating. It’s about paying attention to the taste, smell and texture of the food and noticing any thoughts, feelings, or sensations one experiences while eating. Yoga was found to cause a decrease in episodes of binge eating, an increase in physical activity and a small decrease in weight.
Enhance Breathing
Yogic breathing is a practice in yoga that focuses on controlling the breath through breathing exercises and techniques. Most types of yoga incorporate these breathing exercises, and several studies have found that practising yoga could help improve breathing. Improving breathing can help build endurance, optimize performance and keep lungs and heart-healthy.
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